Sunday, August 24, 2003

It's official: I'm tired. There are so many things that I should be doing right now (like unpacking and laundry), but I'm just too tired at the moment. However, I'm about to leave for a going away party for Josh and Alisha Schulz, who are moving to California in a week or so. It'll be good to see those friends, though I may not stay super long, since I need to be awake driving home. : )

This week is going to be a busy one. I'm working 3 of the M's games in a row (Tues-Thurs), and two of those I'm running handheld camera, which is an exhausting job. But it pays well, so I guess it's a good thing. And Thursday is a day game, so I'll have that evening to myself. Then next weekend is the Seaside excursion, though I'm not sure how that will all turn out. I discovered today at church that the Praise n Baptism is next Sunday, which I want to be there for. So I haven't decided if I'll go down and come back, or what. We'll see what else develops as the week progresses.

Well, I think I'll take a quick power nap before I leave, so if you'll excuse me. . .



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