Monday, June 26, 2006

Summer Update

Ok, so it's been a while since I last posted. I plead the excuse of school. Of course, it's been over a week since I've been done w/ school, so I don't really have a good excuse since then. Oh well.

It's been really nice to be done w/ school. The last day was stora' surreal. I only actually taught one class that day, had my prep, and then there was an assembly. School got out at 11:15 am. I like that. That was a Friday. The following Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday found me back in my classroom cleaning out my back storage room (for those of you who've seen it, you know why). Ben was good enough to help me with it Monday and Tuesday. We ended up getting lost done. It's not yet finished, but it's infinetly better than before we started. I have an etire cupboard of glassware now, instead of it all in boxes and various random places. I also filled 3 of those big rolling trash cans with garbage. Yup, junk that's been sitting there and taking up precious storage space.

Let's see, what else is/has been going on? Not much, really. Thursday and Friday I just hung out, Saturday I did some cleaning, and yesterday was church and hanging. The next big thing on the horizon is Wes' wedding. I leave early Thursday morning and have no real idea what to expect. There are several details I'm waited to hear back from other people on (which is sorta' frustrating me, actually), like motel room and the like. Semi-important stuff that I'd like to get nailed down today, if possible.

After the wedding I spend a few days (including the 4th of July) w/ Cari in LA, then I fly home and close on my condo! The hope is to have keys by the weekend and to have Saturday the 8th be a big moving day. If anyone's bored on the 8th... : )