Tuesday, August 01, 2006

My Condo

Here are some pics of my new place. I'm not really unpacked or anything yet, so it doesn't look all that impressive yet. I've tried to shoot the pics so you can keep your barings, but we'll see. : )

This is the view from my front door. Kitchen ahead, rooms to the left.

Right side of the Kitchen...note the attractive shade of the appliances...

...and the ever attractive left side of the Kitchen. Also note the dining area on the other side. Looking at the living room from the dining room (note the beautiful table, c/o Jeff & Megan). And this is my porch; living room on the left, dining room on the right. Here's the hallway that leads to the bedrooms. The porch is behind me and the living room to the right (front door down halway, to the left). The two bedrooms are here; mine is to the right, and the spare/office/box room is to the left. Flipping around in a 180, directly accross from my bedroom is the bathroom.

That's the brief visual tour. If you're interesting in dropping by to see it in person, just drop me a line.

UPDATE: Looks like I'll be going to JH Ranch next week w/ the high school group from church. No rest for the weary, right? : )