Saturday, November 29, 2008

Avoidance Master!

I have gotten lots of things done this Thanksgiving weekend! It actually suprises me a bit, as I'm not usually that good at making myself do things, like balance my checkbook (it's been staking up over the last 3 months). However, I did it. And this morning I've taken the trash out, RSVPed for a wedding, gone through mail I've been avoiding for weeks, continued to run laundry (including the ever dreaded folding).

You may be thinking, "Wow, you're very focused and dedicated!" You'd be wrong, however. I am, in fact, avoiding the thing I need to do most: grade papers. I hate doing it so much that I'm willing to do all these other things instead of actually doing the grading. I'm really good at finding these things to prevent me from actually starting my grading.

For example, I was just over at my file box that has all the papers I need to grade in it. I had just opened it for the first time this weekend when I was hit with the idea for this blog entry, hence the entry in the blog I very rarely update.

The next avoidance thing I can see coming is food. Its now 12:30 an I'm getting hungry. I obviously can't grade on an empty stomach, so I might as well make something and eat first, then I'll get to the grading.

I think grading is in my top 2 things I hate most about teaching. The other being classroom management (having to deal w/ jerk students).

I suppose the good thing coming out of all this is that I'm actually getting stuff done around home that I usually put off. So at least I'm not just avoiding by sitting and watching movies/TV, I'm actually getting something accomplished, even if its not the work that needs to be done.

Ok, enough of this avoidance method. I want a Wii.