Sunday, June 21, 2009

Ending & Beginning

Ok, so I've really done a lousy job keeping up with this blog. I'll admit it. My attention's been divided too, so that's partially to blame. During the season, I blog weekly on my LOST blog, so at least I'm going something. For now, though, I'm going to give a brief update on the end of the school year and what this summer has in store for me.

This last school year was lame. I was talking about it to a friend at lunch today and no, it wasn't as bad as my 1st half year when I took over mid-year, but it was definitely not good. Granted, it wasn't horrible, but I wasn't really enjoying myself all that much, had WAY too much work to do, and felt like I was battling the students nearly all year, which I really hate. This last week (Friday was the last day of the year) ended just about how the year started: I was frustrated, over committed, discouraged, and not really wanting to be a teacher.

Amidst all this, God has confirmed that I'm exactly where He wants me to be, so at least I know that, hard though it may be. I don't know for sure why I'm supposed to be at KiJH, but I know I am and that's going to have to be enough.

And with that ending, its now on to a new beginning: summer & youth ministry! I hit the ground running yesterday with a morning/early afternoon meeting for my trip to Slovenia and then a senior/freshman overnight at the house of one of the senior guys. Needless to say, I didn't get much sleep last night. Tomorrow holds a meeting w/ one of the other leaders for the Slovenia trip to try and get some last minute details pounded out, then I need to run some errands and start packing 'cause I leave on Tuesday!

If you're interested, I'm the officiall team blogger and will be blogging as often as is practical while in Slovenia at:, so feel free to follow along with my trip via that blog (I know, yet another blog I update more often than this one).

I return from Slovenia on July 7th, am home for a week, then leave for high school camp, home for another week, then off for a high school mission camp w/ the junior high students, then its August and I head back to work a week or 2 later. That's summer. Somewhere in there I'm going to try to have a Star Wars Party and a LOST party, but we'll see how those go.

That's about all for now. Hope you all (whoever still actually reads this thing) are doing well!