Thursday, August 28, 2003

I think it's about time for my first rant. Do any of you other college age people get annoyed when someone says they will treat you like an adult, but they don't? I'm not asking for a license to do anything you want, but I'd like to be treated with some mutual respect (is that too much to ask?).

For example, by the time you get to college, you should be able to decided if you need to attend a class or not. It drives me crazy when professors take attendence and require that you are in class. If I can get a grade I'm happy with w/o attending class, why should that matter to the prof? I can understand not liking tardiness, since that can be rude to someone who's speaking, but the attendence thing I just don't get. If someone chooses not to show up to class, that should be thier own business, and they need to deal with the consequences themselves. We're adults, and should be allowed that freedom.

No, I don' t know all there is to know about life, but at 21 I think I'm capeable of making my own decisions in most areas of life. Granted, I may make the wrong ones, but at some point we need to be allowed to mess up so we can learn from those mistakes. Some people (like my mom) are really good about treating me appropriatly for my age. Others (who shall currently remain nameless, Ben, you know who I'm thinking of) just can't seem to get it into their head that we are capable young adults, and if they'd start treating us that way, we'd live up to that standard.

Ok, not a huge first rant, but sufficient. Don't worry, I'm sure there are many more rants to come!



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