Friday, April 22, 2005

You'll never guess

Ok, so I hopped over to Dustin's blog and found something about finding out what your "inner European" is and decided to give it a try. I think my results are pretty funny. Tell me if you think they are accurate or not:

Your Inner European is Russian!

Mysterious and exotic.
You've got a great balance of danger and allure.

: )


Thursday, April 21, 2005

Skyview, here I come

Well, as of about 3:30 this afternoon I'm done with my TEP classes for an entire month (I still have my Wed. night class, but that's a credit/no credit bology class). Starting Monday I'll be back at Skyview Junior High for an entire month.

I'm both excited and nervous to go back. I'm really excited to get to do more teaching and to be with the students again, but I'm also nervous that I'll totally fall on my face and suck as a teacher. I pulled out my seatting chart w/ the students' picutres and names, only to realize that I remember only about 20% of them. : / I'm going to try to review them between now and Monday, but there's no way I'll get them all by then. I'm just going to have to do my best.

I'll be at Skyview for 4 weeks this time and will be required to teach at least 2 periods for at least 2 weeks. I hope I'll be able to do a bit more than that, but we'll see. The topics we'll be covering also contribute both to my excitement and my nervousness. We're doing earth science topics: a modeling project w/ the sea floor, geologic time(line), and rocks and fossils. I'm excited because all the topics sound really cool and I can't wait to dive into them. I'm nervous, however, because I've never really learned much of those topics myself. I've never taken an oceanography or geology class, and what I do know/remember comes from when I was in 8th grade and what I've gone over w/ the student I tutor who's doing earth science at another school. I'm sure I'll do fine, but it does contribute to my worry.

God has been good to me, though. No tutoring this week because my students have been testing all week, and I've not really have much HW of my own to do. That has allowed me to be more rested than usual, which is good, since I have M's games all weekend. But hopefully I'll be rested enough from this week that I'll be ready to go on Monday morning!


Sunday, April 10, 2005

Cheesy but cool

Ok, I know this isn't really all that serious or anything, but I think its cool and really funny. And as a big Star Wars fan, I just have to mention it here. I mean, how can I not share the joys of Darth Tater w/ you all?!


Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Bad Ryan!

Today I was able to do something I'm never allowed to do, and boy did I enjoy it: I was "the bad student" for an entire 2 hour class period! I'll try to explain as concisely as possible. My prof is supposed to be modeling Classroom Management behaviors/strategies in our class, but one of my classmates talked to him about how we are an ideal class and we won't really see his strategies. She was then given permission to act out in class so the prof would have someone to respond to to model the strategies. What he didn't know is that she asked me to do it so Gene (the prof) wouldn't know who was doing it. Let me just say, it worked wonderfully.

I began by refusing to raise my hand (an in-class signal) and be quite when prompted. Then, during group discussion time, I stood up and wandered the class talking to other groups and eating their food (a perk!). I did this for probably a good 10 minutes before Gene noticed, put his arm around me, and walked me back to my group, telling me this was when we were to be discussing the readings as a group.

From there I began to build fortresses with paper on the table and play w/ my pen. Next came the note-passing. I was really quite fun, as it presented a challenge to pass the note halfway across the room w/o being seen by Gene. Me and another student sucessfully passed this note back and forth (which involved throwing it across the class) 2 or 3 times, never being noticed. Toworads the end of the period I was throwing balls of paper to other table groups, which the prof did notice, so he came and stood right by me (which did stop me from throwing paper, but then I put my hand to the side of my face where Gene was and began to mimic him so the class could see, but he couldn't--let's just say I had WAY too much fun w/ that).

Another line of distraction I took was being contradictory and rude about his comments in class. One stemmed from a real frustration I had w/ the previous night's reading which I just embellished and made a much bigger deal about. Gene later came to my table group and talked to me and my group directly about it, but I still put up a fair fight and let him know I was not happy w/ him or the assignment.

All in all it was a great experience. While I frustrated and angered many of my classmates (since many of them didn't know what I was doing and thought I'd lost it), I think it was worth it. I got to see Gene's strategies for managing me, as well as experience what the student feels when they are acting out and when the teacher tries to quell that.

After class the student who had the orignial idea and I went up to Gene and asked him about what he saw and what he didn't see, only to discover that he didn't realize what I was doing was connected to the conversation they had had the previous class. We had a great little de-brief about it, and those other students who were still hanging around were pretty engaged in the dialoge as well. I think it was a good experience and I'm glad to have done it, both for the learning and for the chance to be "bad" and to let out some of my frustration in a "positive" way.