Saturday, March 25, 2006

Kill myself, or die trying

No, I'm not suicidal, though some of you may beg to differ once you read this post. I have agreed to help coach the track team at KiJH. Ok, you can stop laughing now. No really, if you don't stop laughing you won't hear the reasoning. Ok, that's better.

One of the other science teachers is the head coach, and he kinda' coerced me into it. I told him very clearly that I know absolutly nothing about track, but that didn't seem to bother him, especially since it's just the two of us coaching as of right now. The practices begin Monday, I think, though he was talking about maybe them not starting until Thursday. I should find that out...

I decided to go ahead w/ this for several reasons. First, there's a stipend that goes along with it that is almost as big as my monthly check, so that's a big motivator. Second, as a 1st year teacher, I'm expected to "get involved" with the school community, which up to this point I haven't. Third, I've been looking for something other than teaching to do as a sort of hobby that would give me something other than teaching to think about 24/7. Coaching would get me out of my classroom for an hour and a half in the afternoon, get me outside, and get me more active. I'm sure it'd be good for me. Coaching is also an opportunity to interract w/ students on a different level, one that more closely resembles what I'm used to w/ JH ministry at church.

All that being said, I know I'm going to kill my self in trying to manage that on top of all the teaching responsibilities I have. Oh well, that's the life of a 1st year. Yet one more reason I'll need to rely on God to pull me thru...


Friday, March 10, 2006

Grad School Grad

Well, its official, I have now finished my Master in Teaching degree and am done with my program at the U! These last 2 years (5 quarters, acutally) have really flown by and it's amazing to realize that I've got a full time teaching job, a real job, already and I'm well on may way into my career.

The updates on the teaching thing haven't been coming all that quickly, mostly because I barely have time to breathe. I work late, but am generally good about not bringing work home (this weekend being an exception to that).

Overall the teaching thing is going well. This week was a rough one, both with student interactions and just the amount of work and lack of rest I've been getting. I'm more tired this week than I have been in a while.

Some good, but scarry news, is that the rumor is that my principal wants to hire me next year for the position I have now. Part of me is excited about that, and part of me isn't sure that's what I want. I still would like to move farther north, and in a perfect world, would teach at Skyview. I think I also have some negative associations with this postion, mainly because of the crazy circumstances that I came into and the difficulty that has proved to be. But we will see. I'm leaving next fall up to God. He did a great job of getting me hired before I thought I'd be in the first place, and I know He's got a plan for me for next fall as well.

Ok, that's all the update you get 'cause my head is all fuzzy and I need to get some sleep so I can be semi-coherient...