Thursday, May 27, 2004

Rain is Good

Though many people are grubling about the rain, it's a good thing for two very important reasons. First, we've been short on rainfall so far this year and need the water supply to get us thru the summer months. Second, rainy weather is much more conducive to studying for a soon-to-graduate senior (that's me) than is warm, sunny weather. : )

With that said, I really can't wait to graduate. Just to be done, and to be thru with this quarter and its final 20-30 page lab write up, as well as a plant collection all keyed out for 32 plants (mind you, this is the collection I took many pictures for over my field trip, but then lost at least half of them due to a stupid digital camera malfunciton). Finals are another complication. Add to that the arrival of family next wednesday and my sister's high school graduation, and you've got the busy-ness that is my life.

Ooops! Gotta run to class!!



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