Sunday, September 16, 2007

Mr. Palmer = Tired

When people ask how I'm doing or how school is going so far, the basic answer I give is: its going well, but I'm really tired. I don't remember being this tired last year, but that could be because I was running on adreneline, since it was my first real beginning of the year. This year is different, as I really have much more of a feeling of where I'm heading, but I'm also still working really long hours.

And with that, I've actually been fairly frustrated w/ myself this week, since I've had at least one night of leaving after 8pm, one of leaving after 7, and several right around 7. I really don't want to be working as much as I do, yet I don't seem to be able to avoid it.

The one good thing I'm trying to let myself see in all this is that I haven't had to go into school at all on the weekends yet. This was my 'first step' goal I set last year: get my weekends back. "Then," I said, "I can work on reducing how long I work during the week." This is very true, as I'd rather work late during the week and not have to work on the weekend, but really, I'd rather not work late OR on the weekends.

I don't know why its been bothering me so much; I don't have things I'm itching to do at home or people to see or anything, I guess I just don't like that I'm working so late because its just that: late. I've also had many things beyond the normal teaching stuff that's contributed to my late staying, one of which, the school website, has been really frustrating and hasn't helped my attitude while staying late.

But yeah, the students are good and I feel like the year's started out really well. Things look like they're going to be good this year. I know they won't be perfect, but I'm hopeful. But enough of my ranting, I need to chill before reality starts again tomorrow.

PS - We're doing a school fundraiser, selling magazines, for the next week or so, so if you feel so inclined, would you mind contributing? I'll post info in the next few days. Thanks!


Monday, September 03, 2007

And so it begins

As much as I'm trying to ignore it, tomorrow, in less than 12 hours as a matter of fact, the 2007-2008 school year begins. I know it'll be good, but for some reason I don't really want it to start. Maybe its because I've really enjoyed having time to be with people and do things this summer. Maybe its because I enjoy being lazy and sleeping in. But most likely its because I am one of the worst anticipators: I always worry about something way more than it usually warrents.

Irrational worry aside, i really do think this year will be a good one. There several things that will be alot of work up front, but by the time I get to 2nd semester, I really think things will be going pretty smoothly. I'm hopeful for good interactions/relationships with my classes and I already know I work well with most of my collegues, so that's good. I've taught all the subject matter before, though some I will be teaching in a different way this year.

And as I sit here and worry (again, needlessly), I try and calm myself down with the knowledge that I have 2 short days ahead. Tomorrow 8th & 9th graders don't even show up until after lunch, then we run a shortend schedule. On Wednesday we have an early-release LEAP day, which means classes again are shorter than normal. Its not actually until Thrusday when I'll have a full 50 mintues with each of my classes.

I'm starting the year differently this year than I did last year, so I've added an element of the unknown again, which is probably part of my nervousness. That, and I don't know my students yet. While its cool to have a fresh start and a chance to set things up better than I did last year, it was great to have a rapport and history with the students I had last year. A bummer to have to start that over again.

Ok, I need to try and get some sleep so I'm not a zombie tomorrow!