Monday, September 03, 2007

And so it begins

As much as I'm trying to ignore it, tomorrow, in less than 12 hours as a matter of fact, the 2007-2008 school year begins. I know it'll be good, but for some reason I don't really want it to start. Maybe its because I've really enjoyed having time to be with people and do things this summer. Maybe its because I enjoy being lazy and sleeping in. But most likely its because I am one of the worst anticipators: I always worry about something way more than it usually warrents.

Irrational worry aside, i really do think this year will be a good one. There several things that will be alot of work up front, but by the time I get to 2nd semester, I really think things will be going pretty smoothly. I'm hopeful for good interactions/relationships with my classes and I already know I work well with most of my collegues, so that's good. I've taught all the subject matter before, though some I will be teaching in a different way this year.

And as I sit here and worry (again, needlessly), I try and calm myself down with the knowledge that I have 2 short days ahead. Tomorrow 8th & 9th graders don't even show up until after lunch, then we run a shortend schedule. On Wednesday we have an early-release LEAP day, which means classes again are shorter than normal. Its not actually until Thrusday when I'll have a full 50 mintues with each of my classes.

I'm starting the year differently this year than I did last year, so I've added an element of the unknown again, which is probably part of my nervousness. That, and I don't know my students yet. While its cool to have a fresh start and a chance to set things up better than I did last year, it was great to have a rapport and history with the students I had last year. A bummer to have to start that over again.

Ok, I need to try and get some sleep so I'm not a zombie tomorrow!



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