Friday, September 19, 2003

It's official: I'm tired. I was up late Wednesday night, and I haven't quite recovered yet. Though I should have gone to bed earlier last night, I have things to do, and thus didn't recover any of my lost sleep. And I don't think I'll be getting any of it back this weekend either, since it's staff retreat.

I came to a scary relelation this week: I'm a nerd. Not just any nerd, but a science nerd. I think I've joked about it before, but now I'm convinced it's true. This summer I picked up Stephen Hawking's book "The Universe in a Nutshell" which is basically about quantum therory and it's ramifications. It's a difficult book, and I've only made it thru the first two chapters (and I've only understood some of the content!). The really scarry thing is: I like it! I find it really interesting, and I actually want to try and understand it. Granted, once I have the basic concepts down, I'll be able to understand things like time travel, black holes, and wormholes (very cool), but I still look and feel like a nerd!

I guess it's not all bad, but I never really thought about it. At least I know I'm not completly sociallly inept (yet). I can still relate w/ normal people (yes, I'm excluding myself from that group), and I don't get funny looks all the time!

This actually leads me to a question: What's the difference between a geek and a nerd? They are both similar, but I wonder if there is a subtle differance. Any thoughts?



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