Saturday, October 11, 2003

God is good!!

As I think I mentioned in an earlier post, this has been one of those weeks where everything feels like it's colapsing in on itself. One of those where at the end of Tuesday you feel like you've already been thru the entire week. I even reached a breaking point beyond which I could do no more on Thursday night (kinda' scarry, actually. Thankfully no one else was around!).

The amazingly great thing is, however, that God not only pulled me thru it, but He gave me the strength and peace to make it thru the hardest part: today (Friday). Today was the day the entire week was leading up to; every stress this week has culminated with Friday's events. And on this, the most criticle day, I was the most calm, the most relaxed, and the most at ease. And somehow, depite the fact that I didn't get to bed until 2:20am Thurs night/Fri morning, I have been awake and alert all day, even now, at almost 1am. Isn't God amazing?



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