Saturday, October 04, 2003

Busy Weekend

As if I could have a weekend any other way! I took the time I didn't have to spend in lab on Friday ('cause the proff was gone) going up to Bellingham to visit my wonderful friends there. We hung out, went to Costco (settle down, Tina), had a great pasta dinner and went to CCF. After that, Megan and I, and later Jeff, went back to her place and played some games for while, and Ingrid and James went up to his cabin. Good time.

Oh, to pass the time while I was in the car driving to and from I got a book on CD from the library: So Long and Thanks for All the Fish by Douglas Adams. It's really funny! If any of you have never heard of The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, you should definatly give it a read. It's kinda' random, but a really fun read (or listen, in my case!!).

Today has consisted of: 1) getting my hair cut (yea!!!!), 2) sucessfuly assembling my new bookcase from Ikea, 3) went to Salmon days in Issaquah (and got free dinner!) 4) came home and avoided putting all the junk back in my new bookshelf.

Speaking of all the junck, I had to clean out one corner of my room where my new bookcase now is, which is good, but all that stuff is now spread all over my room, which is not so good. Actually, I should probably be putting it all away now, instead of typing in my blog. So I guess that's all for now!



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