Saturday, October 25, 2003

Not for the squeamish

Ok, may I warn you, what is to follow may be found by some to be disturbing and unsettling. Read on at your own risk.

You'll never guess what Friday was in my Microbiology lab: rectal swab day. That's right, and no, it wasn't of some poor unsuspecting animal, it was of us, the wonderful micro students! Why, you may ask, would you need to do a rectal swab? That's a good question, and, believe it or not, I actually have a good answer: because that's the best way to get a live E. coli sample to grow in culture.

Needless to say, I opted out of the "procedure" since it goes against everything that's right in the world. Let me just add, this is one of the reasons I'm not going to be a doctor!!

On the whole the week was a good one, but I'm gearing up for more busy-ness. Chem test on Tuesday, Origins test on Thursday (20% of final grade), Origins paper due on the 6th, Camp Casey 7-9, Micro test on that following Monday, then a test in another class (I don't remember which) on that Wednesday. Oh joy of joys, I'll be lucky to live thru those weeks!

And today I find myself at home, trying to finish reading one of the books that the Thursday test will be on. What better way to spend a Saturday than doing homework? I could think of lots!



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