Friday, October 17, 2003

Yet another long week. . .

You know the week will be long when, on Tuesday morning, you are certain it must be Friday by now. But I'm sure no one else ever feels like that. : P

In general things are going well. I've been keeping very busy w/ school, and have been slightly tired all week (not enough to be exhausted, but enough that I'm not fully awake). There have been many times this week that I've wanted to add a post, but either haven't been near a computer, or the one I was near was down. Which reminds me. . .

No offence to those of you who have/do work(ed) in IT, but IT people can frustrated me sometimes. Like this last week. We have one old computer in the Collegium at school (the place for commuter students to hang out when not in class), and for some random, unknown reason, we were locked out of it by some nebulous IT note and a "locked" computer. It took at least 4 days before we could even get someone from IT to give us some sort of story on the computer's down-ness. The story was there was some sort of virus so the had to re-image the hard drive, but they needed some sort of part to do it. Something about that reason just didn't seem right, but I'm not a computer expert.

Finally, after more run-around answers and a bit of complaining, on Wednesday this IT guy actually comes into the Collegium (which, up to this point, they were unwilling to do) and tells us all we have to do is reboot the computer; some IT guy just forgot to unlock it.

After I got over my flabbergasted state, I was quite "put out," ie angry. What was all that garbage about re-imaging, then, anyway? Just a lie to shut us up? And if it was so simple, why couldn't they have told us to just reboot it in the first place? That was actually the first idea myself and another collegium member thought of, but we decided not to so as not to mess up whatever IT was doing. See if I'm ever that nice to IT again!

The good thing is, our computer is working again. The bad thing is, IT was stupid about it, so I don't trust them anymore.

Again, sorry to any of you who are involved in IT, but that's what happened, and no amount of explaining can explain away all of the stupidity of IT's actions in this situation. The just didn't care, and we suffered for it. >: (



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