Thursday, November 06, 2003

Prayers Please

I don't have much time to write, but I do have a request for prayer for myself. I was up until about 4:45am this morning working on a big paper due today (20% of final course grade). God was good in my getting it done and I feel farily confindent w/ it, but I'm exhausted, and I leave for JH Camp Casey on Friday (tomorrow) afternoon. Tonight I have study group and won't get home until 8:30 or 9, and then have a large microbiology assignment to do, as well as doing laundry and packing for Camp.

So. . .I'll be really sleep deprived, and needing to do ministry on an empty tank. Please pray for sleep, energy, and openness to God's leading both before, durring, and after camp (oh yeah, and I have a micro test on Monday after I get back. When it rains, it pours). Anyway, thanks for the prayers!!



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