Friday, April 30, 2004

Monkey See...

1. Go into your blog archives.
2. Find your 23rd post.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions.

"That was really cool."

Not too exciting huh? Oh well. I'm off to my last class of the day. From there home, where I need to finish my lab write up (20-30 pages long) for Ecology before I leave tomorrow morning for my field trip w/ my Plant Taxonomy class. The weather should be nice, but it'll be a bit odd, and sad that I have school all weekend long.


Friday, April 23, 2004

Still Alive. . .I think

Its Friday and I'm still alive, so that's a good sign. The week has been long, and I'm tired, but there shall be no rest in the near future. I've worked 6 days straight at the M's, as well as going to school all week, and that's an interesting combination, especially when Monday's game was 14 innings long and wasn't over until almost midnight. Fun, huh?

This weekend I have a test to study for, and a 30 page paper to work on, so it'll be another busy one. All in all the week has been tiring and discouraging, so I hope I can get a lift this weekend. I'm going to see a movie after class today, and it'll be nice to just sit and check out for a few hours.

That's about it, my brain-dead mind doesn't have anything more to say.


Sunday, April 18, 2004

Week of M's

For those of you wondering, yes, the Mariners did actually win 2 games in a row at home this weekend. Unbelieveable, huh? Let's just hope we keep this winning pattern in stead of our losing pattern we've had recently.

Just so you know, I'm working all the rest of the games this homestand, so if you're gonna be there, look for me. I'll be on field for pre-game Monday thru Wednesday, and Thursday I'll be running the camera hanging off the 200 level seats on the 1st base side.

Working this much is good, but it also means I'm busy and probaby won't update the rest of the week (but how will that be any different, right?).


Friday, April 16, 2004

Cool Trivia

For those of you who are bored, check out this link: extreme science. Get a few people together and guess for some of these categories, and see how much you know!


Thursday, April 15, 2004

No Way!!

Yes, it's true, Ingrid is engaged! Can you believe it?? First it was Kari, then it was Ian & Katie, now Ingrid and James. Very exciting, but weird at the same time. I've been ignoring that I'm an adult for the last, umm, 5 years now, but I guess it's starting to catch up with me (or at least w/ my friends!).

So who do you suppose will be next? Ben & Lisa? Megan & Jeff? Dan & Jane?? Oh, the debate rages! And I know some of you (assuming anyone's actually reading this) are probably wondering where I fit into the mix, but may I remind you, I would need someone to be engaged to BEFORE actually getting engaged. Sligh set back. : )

That's ok, I have plenty to keep me busy. I have my Senior Synthesis oral presentation tomorrow at school. Then tomorrow night I'm going to see Fools at Taproot in Greenwood w/ Paul. I'm also working the M's games Saturday thru Thursday, all but one game of the homestand. It'll be a long week, but hopefully it'll be rewarding.

Ok, gotta run!


Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Spring Quarter

I guess it's time to give an update for my quarter and all, beyond the status (or lack there of) of my grad school potential. I think I'm going to enjoy this quarter alot, but it'll be hard in that it's going to take alot of time. I don't think any of my classes are all that awful, but they have events that will take time outside of regular "class" time. The biggest one is the labs for 2 of my classes: Ecology and Plant Taxonomy. Both classes are interesting so far, but the labs are a bit in depth.

For ecology all the labs are off campus (whcih is actually a good thing, because they're up by my house!). It was nice to be outside; it made it feel like I was doing more "real" science than in a lab with things "pre-scripted". The down-side is that it's on Friday afternoons until 5pm, so it puts the weekend off much farther than I'd like.

The plant tax. lab is a 4 hour lab (usualy labs are 3 hours) on Mondays, so that makes my Mondays long. This past Monday I didn't get all the stuff done that I needed to during the lab time and ended up spending another half hour to fourty five minutes working after the official lab was over. That was frustrating, and I was getting hungry, which didn't help my attitude any.

The big time committment this quarter comes in the field trips. I have one weekend-long field trip in both of my lab science classes: plant tax. camping in Eastern Washington the first weekend in May, and down my Mt. Ranier for ecology the second weekend in May. That's right, that means I'll have 3 strait weeks fo school with NO WEEKENDS IN BETWEEN. Needless to say, I'll be a bit tired by the end of those three weeks I'm sure.

Add to that working the M's games (which was off to a slow start yesterday), and I'm one busy guy this quarter. I'm sure I'll survive, and knowing that graduation awaits me at the end helps. : )

Well, I'm off to read some Ecology, and then to dissect a fetal pig for the lab I'm TAing for (fun!!).


Friday, April 02, 2004

Update part two

Ok, here's another update on grad school. Yesterday afternoon I had an informational meeting at UW about the program and the interview process. The meeting was good; I got some info about the program itself as well as hearing about the basic philosophy of teaching of the school (which I'm mostly in agreement w/, which is really good). The first 4 of the 5 quarters of the program include "field work" (ie time in a JH/HS classroom), so that's really cool. On the downside, I'm pretty sure (95%) that I'll have to take the WEST-E test, which is a beast.

Just so you know, my interview time is on April 20th from 1:30 until 3:30pm. Decision letters will be mailed the first or second week of May. There are 118 students currently going to the interview phase, and 80-85 of them will be accepted to the program. So that's what I'm looking at as far as odds of getting in.

Well, I'm not so good at updating this thing, but I think the important stuff is here. Hope it's good enough for now.