Monday, June 07, 2004

When it rains...

Boy have I had an interesting week! I mentioned in my last post that soon family would be arriving and things would get crazy at my house. Crazy doesn't begin to describe it.

The "fun" began on Wednesday night shortly after my aunt arrived from Colorado. She wasn't feeling good when she got to our house, so she went upstairs and laid down for a while. About 11pm that night she had so much pain that we decided to take her to the ER at Evergreen Hospital. She, my mom, and my grandmother were there until about 2:30am, at which point they sent my aunt home w/ pain meds. However, the pain persisted the next day, and so my mom took my aunt to our docotor to get checked out. He thought it was apendicitis, so sent her to the hospital to get a second opinion. The doctor there agreed, and ordered a CAT scan to make sure, and yup, apedicitis it was. Then the waiting game began, as all the ORs were occupied. Once my aunt finally got in, they removed her apendix w/ no trouble (it thankfully haddn't burst), but had to keep her overnight for observation. She was able to come home the next day (Friday), but wasn't up to going to my sister's graduation, unfortunatly.

Meanwhile in another part of dad's parents had just arrived on Thursday. Just as he was getting home after work, his mom (my grandmother) went out to greet him, but missed a step of the walkway and went tumbling down. 29 stitches, 1 cast, and a few broken ribs later she was home w/ a wonderfly black eye.

And amongst all of this, I was still trying to finish my Ecology paper.

Despite the insanity, God was good and gave me the strength to finish my paper last night: 24 pages (including graphs, figures, and 3 appendicies). Now I only have my Plant Tax project and my finals to go, then I'm done!!



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