Thursday, December 29, 2005

'Tween Time

I'm trying to come up w/ good and interesting things to post about, and mostly drawing a blank. However, last night was the 'Tween party and Ben & Lisa's which was cool. There were way more people there than I thought, but it was good (though crowded). May I just say, Ben, you're much more social than you used to be!

I most enjoyed seeing friends who don't live around here anymore: Ian & Katie, Dan & Jane, and Wes. It was great to just hang and catch up w/ them and see how they're doing. One of the lame parts of this whole adult thing is being busy and people moving away so you don't keep in touch w/ your friends like you used to. Though I think, comparitivly, we've done a better job keeping in touch w/ friends from HS than most.

Side note: One other thing I did yesterday was bring one of my presents to Ben to sell on Ebay. "How rude, how uncooth!" you may be thinking. While this may be true, you haven't seen the gift. It's this 2ish feet high house-thing w/ sappy smiling snowmen and hearts and stars on it. The box says "Metal Candlehouse," not that that gives you any clue about it. Once Ben gets it up, maybe I'll post a link you ya'll can see it.


Sunday, December 25, 2005

Christmas Surprise

Today at the end of presents at my dad's house he proposed to his girlfriend. Me and my sisters are going to have a step mom, two step-brothers and a step-sister. How exciting.

In other news, last night Christmas w/ my mom was fun as Matt and Dawn joined us. We ate (all day) and played games and such. Good times.

I'm looking forward to the 'Tween party coming up this week and any of the rest of you who'll be around, I'm still job-less, so let me know if you want to hang or do something.

That's it, I'm done, don't really want to talk about much more. I think dinner's ready anyway.


Monday, December 19, 2005

T-minus one week

Does it seem to anyone else that Christmas has come really quickly this year? It think it's partly because it's on a Sunday, so every week at church you have a reminder of how far away Christmas is. Who knows.

I haven't updated in a while, partially because I'm lazy and partially because I don't see that too many super exciting things have happened (though some may argue w/ that statement).

The week began with hopes of cleaning my room, getting organized, and working on a WASL-like test of my cooperating teacher (I get paid for it, so that's why I want to do it!), however those plans were quickly squelched. Tuesday evening I was ice skating w/ the junior high group from church and fell, landed wrong on my hand/arm, and was injured. Wednesday then consisted of going to the doctor, hospital for an X-Ray, and back to the doctor. The jist: probalby not broken, but swolen and sore. Obviously I'm able to type this, so it can't be that bad, and my arm/elbow/wrist has been getting better each day. I still have to be cautious, however, 'cause there are still positions that make me wince.

Friday evening was the Nuctracker, which was lots of fun. Saturday was a wedding my sister, Cari, was in up in Bellingham. I got to see some friends from HS, so that was nice. Sunday, yesterday, was church in the am, then downtown Seattle for the afternoon/evening with my Dad and sister (again, Cari). It was fun, nice, and I think I finished the last few details I had of my Christmas shopping.

This week consists of secretive planing for Christmas, which I am not currently at liberty to discuss, though I will probably update y'all once it has commenced. : )


Tuesday, December 06, 2005

God is so funny!

Don't you love it that God knows so much better than we do? There are so many times when we don't see that and don't undersand that (I say "we" meaning "me"), but God can be so funny when He shows us that yes, He is indeed in control despite what we think.

So I've been stressing a little, though not too much, about work now that I'm almost done at Skyview (tomorrow's my last day). I've been praying off and on that God would provide me a job, but I've also been honnest w/ God that I really don't want to do retail again. So anyway, the closer to being done I've gotten the more I've felt...pressure about not having a job. So Saturday morning I got to my haircut early and decided to fill the time by doing my quite time, and while praying I was talking to God about a job again and told Him that I realize I need to trust Him and not worry about it, but also that I need to take the opportunity He brings and I asked help on that.

Anyway, that afternoon I got a call from my friend Paul who had a family emergency come up and he needed me to help fill in w/ some video work that night; he said he called other people but I was the only one he could get ahold of (what a coincidence). So boom, just like that God provided work and money just hours after I had been praying about it.

Then this week hits, and all these other opportunities come up. I just mailed my application to BCS for substituting today (I'd really like to stay w/ education somehow, since that's what I want to do), I got information (that seems hopeful) about being a para-education sub (like a teacher's aid), heard about a student who got kicked out of Study Table (after school homework help program) that I might offer to tutor, got an e-mail from a friend (Dawn) about data-entry work (which would be way better than retail), and then just, like minutes ago, got an e-mail from a parent who got my name from the mom of a studnet I tutored last year asking if I'd be interested in tutoring her son.

WOW! Can God provide or what?!