Thursday, December 29, 2005

'Tween Time

I'm trying to come up w/ good and interesting things to post about, and mostly drawing a blank. However, last night was the 'Tween party and Ben & Lisa's which was cool. There were way more people there than I thought, but it was good (though crowded). May I just say, Ben, you're much more social than you used to be!

I most enjoyed seeing friends who don't live around here anymore: Ian & Katie, Dan & Jane, and Wes. It was great to just hang and catch up w/ them and see how they're doing. One of the lame parts of this whole adult thing is being busy and people moving away so you don't keep in touch w/ your friends like you used to. Though I think, comparitivly, we've done a better job keeping in touch w/ friends from HS than most.

Side note: One other thing I did yesterday was bring one of my presents to Ben to sell on Ebay. "How rude, how uncooth!" you may be thinking. While this may be true, you haven't seen the gift. It's this 2ish feet high house-thing w/ sappy smiling snowmen and hearts and stars on it. The box says "Metal Candlehouse," not that that gives you any clue about it. Once Ben gets it up, maybe I'll post a link you ya'll can see it.



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