Monday, December 19, 2005

T-minus one week

Does it seem to anyone else that Christmas has come really quickly this year? It think it's partly because it's on a Sunday, so every week at church you have a reminder of how far away Christmas is. Who knows.

I haven't updated in a while, partially because I'm lazy and partially because I don't see that too many super exciting things have happened (though some may argue w/ that statement).

The week began with hopes of cleaning my room, getting organized, and working on a WASL-like test of my cooperating teacher (I get paid for it, so that's why I want to do it!), however those plans were quickly squelched. Tuesday evening I was ice skating w/ the junior high group from church and fell, landed wrong on my hand/arm, and was injured. Wednesday then consisted of going to the doctor, hospital for an X-Ray, and back to the doctor. The jist: probalby not broken, but swolen and sore. Obviously I'm able to type this, so it can't be that bad, and my arm/elbow/wrist has been getting better each day. I still have to be cautious, however, 'cause there are still positions that make me wince.

Friday evening was the Nuctracker, which was lots of fun. Saturday was a wedding my sister, Cari, was in up in Bellingham. I got to see some friends from HS, so that was nice. Sunday, yesterday, was church in the am, then downtown Seattle for the afternoon/evening with my Dad and sister (again, Cari). It was fun, nice, and I think I finished the last few details I had of my Christmas shopping.

This week consists of secretive planing for Christmas, which I am not currently at liberty to discuss, though I will probably update y'all once it has commenced. : )



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