Monday, April 24, 2006

Job Decision

So I officially made a decision today: I have accepted the continuing contract from Kirkland JH. Though not my first choice (I really want to work at Skyview), everything seemed to point towards my taking the position. There were just too many positives for me to pass it up.

One of the cool things about the job is that its not just a continuing contract for next year, but actually converting my non-continuing contract to a continuing contract this year. I don't know yet, but its possible that that may allow me to get paid thru the summer (I'm not holding my breath, but I am hopeful).

That's about all the update time I have for now. Working 60 hour weeks sorta' takes it out of you...


Sunday, April 16, 2006

Timing and Choices

Ok, here's the short of it: my principal at Kirkland JH wants me back next year and is trying to roll my contract over from a non-continuing to a continuing before the end of the year. At the same time, the principal at Skyview said there will be a science opening there next year, but I probably won't hear anything back about that until the first week of May or so.

I would prefer to work at Skyview. I like the school, the students, and the district better than where I'm at now. I feel like it's simply a better "fit" for me and my personality (not the KiJH is bad, Skyview is just better). The hard part is the timing piece. I have no control over that and don't know whether or not I'll have a chance to choose.

What I'd like from ya'll would be prayers that God would take care of the timing and the details piece that I have no control over. I want to be at Skyview, but realize that may not be where God wants me. I need His direction and wisdom to know what descision to make when the time comes. I much appreciate it!


Sunday, April 09, 2006

Back to the grind

Well, in a few unfortunatly short hours I'll be officially done w/ spring break and back to teaching. Honnestly, I'm dreading it. I've really enjoyed break, and realize just how much of life I'm missing. Oh well, it's only my sanity, right?

God's gotten me this far, He gave me this job for a reason, and God has more than enough strength to sustain me through the last 3 months. I think I told most of you this already, but the possibility has come up for me to teach at Skyview (where I student taught) next year. Nothing's garunteed (I never have been able to spell that word), but I'm praying that I get the position. In many ways its my dream job. But it's ultimatly up to God and what He knows is best, both for me and the school/students of wherever I end up next fall. I won't hear anything about the position probably until early May, so I've got all month to wonder and pray. : )

I'm not so sure it's a good thing to be dreading going back to what I've chosen as my life's work...


Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Spring Break should be every week

Here I am, day 2 of Spring Break, and I'm loving it. Sunday was awesome. Instead of going from church to school and working for 5 or 6 hours, I hung and chatted w/ friends until 1:30, then went to lunch, then went over to Paul's and helped him paint his appartment, had dinner, and watched a movie. It was soooo nice to just hang and not have to worry about getting things done for Monday.

I did go in and get some grading done yesterday, and I've got to do some more today, but I'd rather get it done now and then not have to worry about it the rest of the week. So it's not great to be working over break, but it's better than having to teach AND grade at the same time. : )

I also got some encouraging news yesterday: there's a possibility there will be a science teacher opening at Skyview JH, the school where I student taught! I talked to the principal yesterday. Though he said he can't promise me the position, the possibility is there. I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much, but at the same time I would LOVE that! We'll see what God has planned for me...