Sunday, April 09, 2006

Back to the grind

Well, in a few unfortunatly short hours I'll be officially done w/ spring break and back to teaching. Honnestly, I'm dreading it. I've really enjoyed break, and realize just how much of life I'm missing. Oh well, it's only my sanity, right?

God's gotten me this far, He gave me this job for a reason, and God has more than enough strength to sustain me through the last 3 months. I think I told most of you this already, but the possibility has come up for me to teach at Skyview (where I student taught) next year. Nothing's garunteed (I never have been able to spell that word), but I'm praying that I get the position. In many ways its my dream job. But it's ultimatly up to God and what He knows is best, both for me and the school/students of wherever I end up next fall. I won't hear anything about the position probably until early May, so I've got all month to wonder and pray. : )

I'm not so sure it's a good thing to be dreading going back to what I've chosen as my life's work...



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