Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Oh experienced one

That's right, with my whopping 1.5 years of teaching experience, I am now the experienced teacher in both grades that I teach. We just hired another new science teacher to replace the other 8th grade teacher (we got a new 9th grade replacement last year about this time), making me the most experienced 8th grade scicence teacher. Of the 4 science teachers in our building, I now have the 2nd highest amount of experience, which is a little scarry, to be honnest. Don't get me wrong, I do feel confident that I know what I'm doing, but it is a position I didn't think I'd be in all that soon.

As far as what this means for me, depending on what the new teacher has done in the past, I will probably be leading her thru this first year (for her) of our curriculum. This probably means I'll have more work than I would have had otherwise, but hopefully not too much more. Only time will tell. I haven't met her yet, but might run into her sometime this week, we'll see. Don't know anything about her other than she's a she and is taking over for the other teacher. Oh the beginnig of the year is exciting, isn't it?



At 12:28 PM, Blogger Lisa said...

I think feeling overwhelmed is good now & then-- we have to turn to God even for work, which is generally supposed to be a human-sized responsibility.

At 9:47 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Wow! Things sure are different than when you were deciding whether to accept the contract to Kirkland JH after your first 1/2 year. You knew this was where the Lord wanted you, and He knew all that the future would entail -- what an adventure in trusting Him! i have every confidence you can handle this well, and am so proud of you!!


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