Sunday, July 22, 2007

Deathly Hallows #4

Chapter 14
So I'm still uncertain about the whole Harry seeing Voldemort's thoughts again thing. The suspicious part of me thinks Voldemort is doing it on purpose, perhaps to get Harry to start searching for this guy who took whatever it is that Voldemort is looking for. But I'm not so sure. It seems to be attached to extreme emotion again, like it was in the beginning before Voldemort controled it, so perhaps he's not aware...and the horcrux may heighten the experience as well. Still not sure on that one.

I do have to say, on the subject, that it bothers me that Hermione keeps reminding Harry that he should be practicing Occlumency and if he had just practiced w/ Snape and all. The thing is, he didn't, he wasn't any good at it, and can't really be expected to be any better at it now, since he's on his own. Yes, he could try what he's learned so far, but I think the way she phrases things just doesn't make sense. It doesn't matter what he should have done, because he didn't.

Chapter 15
Rowling is a good author. As I was reading this chapter I was beginning to thing that things were getting slow and not much was happening. Then, about then, she brings the other people into the mix so we can evesdrop on their conversation and create a new wrinkle in the story (and on a deeper level, it helps us identify w/ the charactes who were definatly feeling the monotany). I have no idea where Dumbledore would have hidden the real sword, but there's got to be some place Harry can get to. But I'm a bit scared, since Dumbledore burned/killed his hand, Harry's much less skilled than the former headmaster and could do much more damage, even with the sword.

Also interesting in this chapter is the row between Ron and Harry. Seems that just the presense of the horcrux has brought the whole atmosphere down. Again, I see the analogy to the spiritual realm. Satan and the things of the world can suck the life and community out of things, just by being around. It reminds me of something the sorting had said early on, I think in Chamber of Secrects, where they have to be united themselves in order to combat what's coming. The same idea is repeated in scripture: A house divided against itself cannot stand. And just like Satan, Voldemort (via the horcrux) breeds derison and conflict, which tears the group apart, keeping them from accomplishing their goal.

Chapter 16 & 17
Freaky scarry! I don't know why Harry hasn't figured it out yet; if he as an idea and Hermione has an idea, go with Hermionie's! She was rettisent to go w/ the little squatt lady, and I was right there with her. As I read the whole part where Harry had to go alone upstairs, I had this "holding-my-breath" type sensation, waiting for the bad thing to happen. Of course, I didn't have any idea it would be Nagini! That's weird and kinda' gross. And then to actually have the experience, the night where Harry's parents died recounted...very interesting, and sad.

So what's with the horcurx being burned into Harry's skin? Did Voldemort know Harry had it? He couldn't have. Maybe it was just the evil, the fact that there was the horcrux and also the scar connection...not sure

Chapter 18
Rita Skeeter is a jerk. You can tell just by the way she writes that its not true. And it still bothers me that Harry is so quick to believe her lies. Yes, there is probably some truth in it, but Harry believes the worst, no benefit of the doubt. Granted, in his defense, he's greiving and one of those stages is anger. He's feeling abandoned; nearly every adult of importance in his life left him in one capacity or another, and that's hard to deal with, hard to cope with. Which gives me all the more respect for Hermione. Even though she likes Ron and wants to be with him, she sticks by Harry, faithful, bearing the brunt of his anger and pain. Though she's not perfect either, she demonstrates many qualities of true, faithful friendship. (as far as personality types, she seems like a golden retriever, for those of you who know what I'm talking about).




At 10:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're hysterical! You do realize that that Jo has created these characters, right? They don't really deal with emotions... :P


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