Thursday, December 20, 2007

Christmas "Break"

I suppose I should post something now that I'm on Christmas break. This a much needed break from work, but unfortunatly its not a true break as most of us would like (but then again, how often in adult life do we get a real break?). I've brought papers home to grade that I really need to get done today; Cari comes into town tomorrow, and I know once she's here I won't really get much done. I may have some time after Christmas, but I'm going to WinterFlash (high school camp) for the last 4 days of break, so that cuts into my time a bit as well.

Then there's also the family stuff. Many adjustments and new schedules and dynamics to juggle. Every year I'm reminded that it'd just be easier to skip over Christmas itself. I say, do the decorating, listen to the music, remember that Christ came down, but skip the actual day itself. No present, no meals, no awkward family stuff. I'd be perfectly fine with that. We'd go from Dec 24th (with nothing going on that day in terms of celebrations) to Dec 26th. Christmas itself is just too much trouble and hassle.

Ok, so I probalby sound fairly Scrooge-y to some of you, but there may be others who understand what I'm expressing. There is just so much emotional strain associated w/ Christmas that its easier and less stressfull to just skip it. They day iteslf w/ the meal and the gifts really doesn't include much of the real reason behind Christmas anyway. So much of the holiday has be secularized and commercialized anyway, so I don't really see any problems just skiping over it.

Who knows, if I actually did that I may feel differently, I may feel like I've missed something, but part of me really doesn't think I would.

Besides all the work that I have to do over 'break' (both school and emotional), there are a few things I'm looking forward to. First happens tomorrow: The Office Party. :) That's right, I'm going to a party to watch season 1 of The Office. If that doesn't get me feeling better, I don't know what will. : ) (did you notice how many smilies I used talking about The Office?)

I'm also looking forward to WinterFlash. I haven't been since I was in High School, and it should be a good time to connect w/ the students and get away. The only down side is that we get back Jan 1 and I start school Jan 2. That'll make for a tiring day at school, but oh well. I think it'll be worth it.

Ummm, can't really think about anything else of interest to post. Those things mentioned above are about all that's on my mind at the moment. And for those still frustrated/sad/concerned/etc about my feelings related to Christmas, let me remind you the title of the blog: "The View from Here"



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