Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Did you know its not Wednesday?

No, really, its Tuesday. But all day I was convinced this was my 3rd day of work this week. Ah, its great to be back in the swing of things, right? So far this week work's been good overall, but crazy. The more I get into it, the more I realize I have to do; always a great feeling.

I'm also having trouble making myself actually get to work. This is the procrastinator inside me. I think the way it works is when there are really huge and daunting tasks, I avoid starting them because they feel so huge, hence the procrastination. Once I can find a place to get started, I'm usually good, but finding that place can take a fair amount of time, and several trips around the school first. I really do avoid things I don't like, don't I?

I got up to watch selections of the total lunar eclipse last night. It was pretty cool. I've seen totallity before, but never watched as the eclipse approached totality, so that was cool to see. Nothing like an orange/red moon at 3am, right? Needless to say, I'm pretty tired and don't really want to go to work tomorrow. Our training tomorrow is on the "Nurtured Heart Approach" and "building inner wealth" . Thankfully, today our principal told us that we aren't necessarily adopting this approach as a school, but instead going to listen and take the parts we like and adapt it to fit our school. That's a nice, balanced approach I like to hear!



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