Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas - Survived

Well, Christmas is over and I survived it. All it all it wasn't as bad as I was anticipating. In fact, we even had a White Christmas, which is a first in my memory (at least the first time it actually snowed on Christmas Day; I do recall one year a long time ago where we had snow on the ground for Christmas, but I don't think it actually snowed on the day). But anyway, yes, Christmas is over, and thought it was much better than I thought, I'm still glad its over and the stress is done.
In case you're wondering, the picture is of one of my gifts this year. Fun, huh?
I now need to finish grading the Insulator Labs. I'm down to the last period of late/grace coupon work to do (of course its the one w/ the most; figures, right?). If I can get those done before I leave tomorrow, I'll be happy. It won't have been all the grading I was hoping for, but it'll be the biggest and the stuff the students want to see the scores for the most.
Speaking of leaving, I leave for WinterFlash tomorrow morning. I'm looking forward to it, though I'm not really sure what to expect. Sounds like much of it is the same as it was when I was in HS, but you never know for sure. Oh, the same with the exception of there actually being snow there (the 2 years I went in HS there wasn't any snow). I'm excited to go, I just wish it wasn't the LAST 4 days of break, but was in the middle somewhere instead. Ah well, it is what it is.
Ian and Katie are coming over this afternoon to hang out, so that should be good. Then we're heading down to the Massingill's for the 'Tween Party; should be a good time! Always fun to see people and to hang out.
Ok, enough stalling, I need to get those labs graded!



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