Saturday, August 30, 2003

Yea! It's Friday and the weekend! Since I was originally going to be gone this weekend, I don't have to work at all now that I'm home. And that means I have a relaxing weekend ahead! Boy am I looking forward to this. I can sleep in as late as I'd like tomorrow, and you can bet I will; it's been a long week.

Tomorrow will be a day of cleaning, and boy does my room need it! It's been driving me crazy all summer, and I finally have the time and energy to do something about it. The trick is finding a place for everything. I really need to figure out a new way of storing things that is more space efficient, but I haven't figured it out yet. Any ideas would be appriciated!


Thursday, August 28, 2003

I think it's about time for my first rant. Do any of you other college age people get annoyed when someone says they will treat you like an adult, but they don't? I'm not asking for a license to do anything you want, but I'd like to be treated with some mutual respect (is that too much to ask?).

For example, by the time you get to college, you should be able to decided if you need to attend a class or not. It drives me crazy when professors take attendence and require that you are in class. If I can get a grade I'm happy with w/o attending class, why should that matter to the prof? I can understand not liking tardiness, since that can be rude to someone who's speaking, but the attendence thing I just don't get. If someone chooses not to show up to class, that should be thier own business, and they need to deal with the consequences themselves. We're adults, and should be allowed that freedom.

No, I don' t know all there is to know about life, but at 21 I think I'm capeable of making my own decisions in most areas of life. Granted, I may make the wrong ones, but at some point we need to be allowed to mess up so we can learn from those mistakes. Some people (like my mom) are really good about treating me appropriatly for my age. Others (who shall currently remain nameless, Ben, you know who I'm thinking of) just can't seem to get it into their head that we are capable young adults, and if they'd start treating us that way, we'd live up to that standard.

Ok, not a huge first rant, but sufficient. Don't worry, I'm sure there are many more rants to come!


Wednesday, August 27, 2003

Ok, so I won't be posting everyday! But I have a moment here at Safeco Field before I have to get to work, so I'll take a minute or two to give an update.

Let's see. I've got all the Seaside stuff figured out, so that's cool. I'll be home this weekend, which makes things less stressfull for me. And I believe I'll be going down Wed. night. That's should be cool. I'm looking forward for some time away.

I'm about halfway thru my work busyness for the week. I was at BCS today (w/ a wierd fire alarm thing, which was quite annoying) and am now here to work the M's game. Tomorrow is a day game w/ the M's, so no BCS. Then BCS on Friday, and then a long weekend!!! Yeah!

Is it possible to be so tired that you aren't tired anymore? I know that can happen w/ hunger for a while. I wonder if it's similar w/ sleep. I know I'm tired, and I feel it from time to time, but there are periods where I'm perfectly fine (like now, for instance). Weird.

Well, I should go and actually get to work. Until next time. . .


Monday, August 25, 2003

The first exciting thing that happend today was I got to see Ingrid's new car! Ok, so she got it almost 2 weeks ago, but I was gone all last week, and didn't get to see it. It's really nice! She's going to be driving in luxary here for the next several years!

Last night I got to hang w/ some friends from HS. It was really cool to see them again and to find out what everyone's up to. I discovered the weirdest thing last night while I was there! Katrina's boyfriend, Andy, works at BCS in the computer department. We both have been working in the same place all summer, and didn't know it! You don't get the full effect here online, but it was a really weird feeling. One of those things you have to stop and think about before you can make sense of it. Anyway. . .

I'm trying to figure out what to do this weekend. I was originally planning to go down to Seaside, Oregon on Saturday with Ben and Lisa and stay until late Monday, but at church yesterday I discovered that the Praise-n-Baptism is this Sunday and there are several students getting baptized that I want to see. So the dellema is whether to drive down and back or not. I want to be there for Ben so that he and Lisa aren't alone, but I don't really want to do all the driving on my own. If I can get Paul to come with me, I think it won't be so bad. But neither of us really wants to be in a car that much! We'll see what develops.

Many things are up in the air, which I don't care for, but once they get settled, I'll be able to relax a bit. All in good time!


Sunday, August 24, 2003

It's official: I'm tired. There are so many things that I should be doing right now (like unpacking and laundry), but I'm just too tired at the moment. However, I'm about to leave for a going away party for Josh and Alisha Schulz, who are moving to California in a week or so. It'll be good to see those friends, though I may not stay super long, since I need to be awake driving home. : )

This week is going to be a busy one. I'm working 3 of the M's games in a row (Tues-Thurs), and two of those I'm running handheld camera, which is an exhausting job. But it pays well, so I guess it's a good thing. And Thursday is a day game, so I'll have that evening to myself. Then next weekend is the Seaside excursion, though I'm not sure how that will all turn out. I discovered today at church that the Praise n Baptism is next Sunday, which I want to be there for. So I haven't decided if I'll go down and come back, or what. We'll see what else develops as the week progresses.

Well, I think I'll take a quick power nap before I leave, so if you'll excuse me. . .


Saturday, August 23, 2003

Well, this is my first post, and I'm not sure I know what I'm doing, but I'll give it my best shot. I just got back from Summer Trek II this afternoon. It was a great trip, but I'm quite tired! God did some amazing things and the students really came together as a team; more so than some other teams I've been on, which is amazingly great for JHers! Well, I really should head to bed now, but hopefully there will be future postings soon!

And that's the view from here. . .