Saturday, November 22, 2003

Long time no Blog

Ok, so it's been almost two weeks since my last post. I've been a bit busy, that's for sure. But I'm also not sure if anyone is reading this, so that's another part of it.

Let's see, what is there to update w/? This next week is gonna be nice and short: only two days long! Then it's Thanksgiving break, and with that comes Christmas music! Yea! I've been waiting months to get my Christmas CDs out, and next week that time will finally come.

What else is there to say? I spent most of the day today w/ my firend Anders. We baked Zuccini bread (no, I can't spell it, and it's my blog, so that's ok) and dinner, and then just bummed around, played Jenga, and chatted. An all around good afternoon/evening.

I really need to be good tomorrow and hit the homework hard. I don't have much due this week, but I do have lots due the week after Thanksgiving, and I don't want to have to spend my entire break working on school work. So. . .hopefully I can be motivated tomorrow. We shall see.

One final thought. My family may be going to Colorado this Christmas (or at least unitl Chrimstmas Eve) to spend the time w/ my Aunt and Uncle who just moved there. I hope we do go, 'cause I think it'd be alot of fun. And it would be good for me to get away for a little while too. This quarter has been pretty rough, so some time away would be good for me.

Well, that's all for now. I should get to bed so I can get up for church in the morning.



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