Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Grad School update

For those of you who actually care, I got a letter from UW over the weekend about my grad school application. I "have been chosen to advance to the Interview Level" of the application process. That means I get to sit in a 2 hour meeting about the interview, then do the interview, and still wait to hear when I get in. I guess it's a good thing that I get to go to this next phase. I just don't like waiting. The interviews of all applicants goes thru April 28th, so I assume I won't hear if I get in until after that. Oh well.


Sunday, March 21, 2004

What a weekend!

What could be better than spending my spring break doing lots of busy things? I've spent a few evenings now helping a friend of mine (Paul, for those of you who know him) move into his new appartment. It was cool to be able to have the time to help him paint, put furnature together, and move BIG, HEAVY furnature accross Redmond. All those things I'd more than gladly do, but usually don't/can't because of homework and school. Nice to have the freedom to do it.

Saturday I got to have lunch w/ Ingrid, who's back from school to do her student teaching. She starts on Monday, which is really exciting, except that means she won't have the same spring break as me, so less time to hang out. Unfortunatly that' how it goes. After that I hung w/ a friend for the evening, and spent all night playing Nintendo (the NES), Super Mario Bros. 3 and Kirby's Adventure. : )

Then today I spent running around Bellevue and Issaquah trying to get a hard drive to work in Anders' computer. To make a long story short, we exchanged it and got a new one, had to do much fiddling, and finally were able to make it work. . .4 hours later. Oh well, at least it kept us busy!

It was a good weekend, and it's even better because I don't have to go to school at all this week! I'll be taking Cari to the airport tomorrow (she's spending her spring break visiting friends at BIOLA), and going to a cool radio show recording w/ Ben and Lisa that night, but other than that, I don't have any plans. . .except sleeping in. : )


Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Spring Break!!

Congrats to me!! As of about 1:15 pm today, I'm officially on Spring Break!! I never thought this day would come. I am beyond ready for a break, and can't wait to do nothing school related. And that means I'll have more time to hang w/ cool people like you, so give me a call and let's do something!


Tuesday, March 16, 2004

ICE cream

You've never had ice cream until you've had it made from liquid Nitrogen. Yesterday at the end of our review session for my Chem final, my prof made the class ice cream using milk, half and half, sugar, vanilla, and liquid Nitrogen. It takes all of 5 minutes--its great! For those of you who care, liquid Nitrogen comes in at about 70 Kelvin, which is really cold (~ -203 degrees Celcius, you can figure out Farenheight (sp?)). If any one wants to have some fun, get yourself some liquid Nitrogen. Its fun stuff, and not too dangerous. That's it. I just wanted to share my ice cream experience w/ ya'll.


Saturday, March 13, 2004


In case you ever wonder, what you've heard about the WEST-B is true and misleading. Yes, it is fairly easy, assuming you've grown up in the American school system and have actually paid attention. However, what they don't tell you (and what I wasn't told), is that it's increadably LONG and borring. Just so everyone knows, the WEST-B is a test for people who want to be teachers in Washington State. For those of you who care, I'll elaborate on the gory details of the test. For those who don't, just skip the next paragraph. (Of course, this is assuming that I have more than one person who reads my blog. . .)

There are 3 sections to the test: Reading, Writing, and Math. The writing section has two parts to it: a section that looks strangly like the reading section, and an actual writing section, where you write two essays. In the multiple choice part of the writing section, you have to read passages and identify things that are wrong w/ the reading, like gramatical errors, or wordiness. The test writers must not have been very creative, because after the first half, you realize they are asking you the same 3-5 questions on each section, just in different orders. Quite tedious. The Reading section looked identical to the multiple choice section of the writing section; the only difference were the types of questions, like "what's the main idea of the selection?" Again, it was alot of the same stuff, and was pretty boring. Especially when you're reading about the same cultural stuff that's really quite PC (gotta love Washington State). The math portion wasn't actually all that bad. Most of the stuff was basic arithmatic; not too bad, but it's been a while since I haven't used my calculator. : ) Although, I must say, it only took a minute or two and I was back at it just like "before calculators." Those people who say calculators make people stupid are the same people who say TV rots your brain. There is some truth, but not a blanket truth in the statement. Ok, enough w/ that. Anyway, the only stuff I had issues w/ on the math section was stuff that most of you probably think is really easy:median, mean, and mode. Granted, I'm sure the concepts aren't that hard, but I was NEVER TAUGHT THEM in all my years of math classes, all the way up to Calculas. I know mean is the same as average, and I think mode is the most common once, but meidan? They are all so simlar, and not haveing ever really learned them. . .oh well it was just 2 questions, and I guessed. So that was the test. I took almost the full 4.5 hours alotted for the test, which is a long time to sit and read a stupid test booklet. Ok, enough about the WEST-Blah.

To those of you who skipped the last paragraph, welcome back. This last week has really be fairly awful, since you asked. : P It seems that, at least for the last 2 quarters, the week before finals has been worse than the finals themselves. That's definatly true this last week. Friday was "the day it all was due." Almost literally. But there was just enough due the rest of the week so I still didn't have the time to get it done before Thursday night (of course). Suffice it to say, by the time I made it to Friday, I was wiped, and could do nothing but sleep during my breaks between classes. That afternoon I did some exploring of a park I've recently discovered that I like down by I-90 in south Bellevue. I guess it's this big wetland preserve, right in the middle (so to speak) of Bellevue. Enjoyed that, and then went over to Anders' house and tried to help be creative consultant on a video project he's working on. Don't know how well I did. . .but he's still talking to me, so that's a good sign.

Well, I think I've dumped enough info into this posting. Next week holds finals for me, but they'll all be done by Wednesday afternoon, so that's cool. Just a few more days and then I'll be on Spring Break (which is WAY over due).


Saturday, March 06, 2004

What if there's not a will?

I'm sure you've heard the saying "where there's a will, there's a way," but what if you don't have the will? Is there still a way? There's so much I need to get done, and yet I'm so tired, that I really don't have the will to do it. The problem is it needs to be done, so there MUST be a way.

Only one full week of class left this quarter. That's good and that's bad. Good, because Spring Break is right around the corner, and I really need a break. Bad because that means there's almost no time left to learn the stuff I need to learn for finals. I think I'll be good in my Ethics class, and I think I can pull out alright in Chemistry if I work hard all week. It's Genetics that I'm the most worried about. I haven't done as well as I'd like on the tests, and there's just the final left in the class. . .I need to do really well on it, and I'm not sure I can.

Oh, and I have my rough draft of my senior synth paper due on Friday--it's supposed to be about 15 pages long. Won't that be fun? I think it won't be hard to write, it'll just take time.

But all that's this week. Right now, this weekend, I have a Genetics paper to read and answer questions on, as well as Chem homework. I also have a lab to finnish grading, and another lab to grade completly. Usually labs take me 4-6 hours to grade, so this could take the rest of the weekend.

Why, you ask, am I then writing the blog update instead of grading the labs or working on any of the HW that I have to do? Simple: when I get to the weekend, I'm so tired, I don't want to do the HW. That, and I've put off all the non-school stuff all week long, I feel like I need to do some of those non-school things, like laundry, changing the sheets on the bed, ect.

Ok, enough grousing about life, I have stuff to do. Oh, and for those of you who are wondering (several people have asked me recently), no, I have not heard back from UW about grad-school yet.


Tuesday, March 02, 2004

No rest for the weary

WAY too much happened this last weekend to do it any sort of justice of a report/summary here, so you'll just have to be content w/ it was good, it was long, it was exhausting. And by the time Monday morning rolled around, I really didn't feel like I had a weekend (that's probably because I worked all weekend long).

I now am back into things at school, w/ a test today in Ethics, being way behind in Genetics, and not really following what's going on in Chemistry. I've got to get caught up, but I just don't have the energy, physical or mental, to do what is necessary. I also have a set of labs to grade, a lesson to prepare for by Sunday morning, and probably a shoot on Saturday night. All good things, but all more things that need to get done.

I know I only have one more quarter and 3 weeks left of undergrad. school, but I'm not even sure I'll make it thru the next 3 weeks, let alone the next quarter! Oh Father, God, give me the strength I don't have!