Saturday, March 06, 2004

What if there's not a will?

I'm sure you've heard the saying "where there's a will, there's a way," but what if you don't have the will? Is there still a way? There's so much I need to get done, and yet I'm so tired, that I really don't have the will to do it. The problem is it needs to be done, so there MUST be a way.

Only one full week of class left this quarter. That's good and that's bad. Good, because Spring Break is right around the corner, and I really need a break. Bad because that means there's almost no time left to learn the stuff I need to learn for finals. I think I'll be good in my Ethics class, and I think I can pull out alright in Chemistry if I work hard all week. It's Genetics that I'm the most worried about. I haven't done as well as I'd like on the tests, and there's just the final left in the class. . .I need to do really well on it, and I'm not sure I can.

Oh, and I have my rough draft of my senior synth paper due on Friday--it's supposed to be about 15 pages long. Won't that be fun? I think it won't be hard to write, it'll just take time.

But all that's this week. Right now, this weekend, I have a Genetics paper to read and answer questions on, as well as Chem homework. I also have a lab to finnish grading, and another lab to grade completly. Usually labs take me 4-6 hours to grade, so this could take the rest of the weekend.

Why, you ask, am I then writing the blog update instead of grading the labs or working on any of the HW that I have to do? Simple: when I get to the weekend, I'm so tired, I don't want to do the HW. That, and I've put off all the non-school stuff all week long, I feel like I need to do some of those non-school things, like laundry, changing the sheets on the bed, ect.

Ok, enough grousing about life, I have stuff to do. Oh, and for those of you who are wondering (several people have asked me recently), no, I have not heard back from UW about grad-school yet.



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