Sunday, March 21, 2004

What a weekend!

What could be better than spending my spring break doing lots of busy things? I've spent a few evenings now helping a friend of mine (Paul, for those of you who know him) move into his new appartment. It was cool to be able to have the time to help him paint, put furnature together, and move BIG, HEAVY furnature accross Redmond. All those things I'd more than gladly do, but usually don't/can't because of homework and school. Nice to have the freedom to do it.

Saturday I got to have lunch w/ Ingrid, who's back from school to do her student teaching. She starts on Monday, which is really exciting, except that means she won't have the same spring break as me, so less time to hang out. Unfortunatly that' how it goes. After that I hung w/ a friend for the evening, and spent all night playing Nintendo (the NES), Super Mario Bros. 3 and Kirby's Adventure. : )

Then today I spent running around Bellevue and Issaquah trying to get a hard drive to work in Anders' computer. To make a long story short, we exchanged it and got a new one, had to do much fiddling, and finally were able to make it work. . .4 hours later. Oh well, at least it kept us busy!

It was a good weekend, and it's even better because I don't have to go to school at all this week! I'll be taking Cari to the airport tomorrow (she's spending her spring break visiting friends at BIOLA), and going to a cool radio show recording w/ Ben and Lisa that night, but other than that, I don't have any plans. . .except sleeping in. : )



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