Sunday, February 22, 2004

Once Rarely

Ok, it's time for my update, which seems to be once rarely. That's supposed to be a joke. Ok, I admit it's not that funny.

So much has happened since my last post, and yet, so little detail will probably be posted tonight. Mostly because I'm lazy. : )

One of the big things was 8th Grade Retreat last weekend (as in a week ago from this weekend). It was cool to be up in the snowy mountains w/ a relatively smaller group of students: just the 8th graders. While I was there I celebrated my 22nd birthday, and got some snow as a present from God. : ) All in all the weekend was good, though it was tiring, of course. Thankfully I had Monday off of school for president's day, so I was able to do some recuperating before heading back into school.

The week wasn't too bad, if you ignore the Genetics test I took on Tuesday and did lousy on. My proff is a nice guy, but his teaching style really conflicts w/ my learning style (ie I can't understand what he's talking about). Several of the things on the test I just made stupid mistakes, but the entire second page, I think, was unfair. Stuff that we didn't talk about, really, and intellectual leaps that I don't know how we were supposed to make. Oh well, it's over, and nothing else can be done about it.

One good thing that happened this week was I found out that the MIT people over at the UW decided to accept my petition to take the WEST-B late (long story, but let's just say if this didn't happen, I wouldn't be going to teacher-school next fall). Now I just have to wait and see what they think of my application. Supposedly there's a personal interview that happens as a part of the application process, but I haven't heard anything about it yet. We'll see what happens.

Let's see, what else should I bore you -- I mean tell you about? Spent the day yesterday w/ a friend, Anders, hangin', listening to music and watching movies. Oh yeah, and we made fettuccini alfredo from scratch (well, not the fettuccini, but the alfrado sauce, at least). We were pretty proud of ourselves. It was a good time, it's just a shame he lives out in Issaquah and it takes so long to drive all the way out there (or all the way from his place to mine. It's just as long going either way).

Oh, one more thing. Next Saturday and Sunday Paul is shooting his trailer/pilot for the film he wants to do. I'll be helping him out on Saturday, and maybe tagging along/helping on Sunday as well. It'll be a busy, long weekend, but it should be really cool. W/ that coming next weekend, I'm sure it will be a while before I update again (in case you haven't noticed, I tend to update in spurts).

Alright, that's it for now. I need to think about making myself go to bed so I can get enough sleep to handle this week!



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