Friday, February 27, 2004

Am I dead yet?

No, I'm not suicidal (we've talked WAY too much in my ethics class about that--I'm too bored of the subject), I'm just feeling the stress right now. Honnestly, it's only by the grace of God that I'm at all coherient this afternoon. There have been tests and homework and projects and papers all this week, and that doesn't include any actual life stuff. Add to that a good, but also busy, weekend, and I don't really have a light at the end of the tunnel.

I think that's partially what helped make the week so much harder. I'm going to see Arthur: The Begetting tonight at Taproot, which will be really cool, but that means I'm gonna be out late tonight. Normally that wouldn't be a problem, but tomorrow morning I have to be out at Mount Si High School in North Bend (45min-an hour away) at 6:30am. Again, it's for a good thing, but it's still really early!

I'm then working on this project all day tomorrow, probably until 6 or 7pm. Try and get some sleep, and then back at it on Sunday. I kinda' think I'm gonna play hooky from church that morning, but if so I'll proably be working on this project again which is at 8am. Either way, I'll be up at about the same time. The project should be done mid-afternoon, I think, and then I can start thinking about whatever homework I've got. : )

Oh, and one more minor thing about Sunday: in the evening there is a youth baptism going on at church, which I'd like to be there for. . .and the Academy Awards. Usually I get together w/ Megan and Ingrid to watch the awards, but they're early this year, and so we're all still in school. : ( I don' t know what I'll do Sunday. I may just want to come home and sleep!

Anyway, that's more detail than you all probably care to know, and I need to get some stuff done here before I head out to the play (you know, like laundry and stuff).



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