Crunch time!! That's right, the crazyness of midterms has passed, giving way to the insanity of the end of the quarter. I now must beging thinking about the second 20-30 page lab write up due on finals day, as well as the 32 plant collection to put together for my plant taxonomy class.
This week was bookended w/ tests, neither of which went as well as I'd've liked. Monday was an Ecology test, for which I didn't have nearly enough time to complete, even though I feel I knew the material (I had just started the 1st of 2 essay questions with about 5 minutes left in class). Then today, Friday, I had a test in Plant Taxonomy. I knew this one was going to be hard, and it was. Trying to remember if it was the Asteraceae or the Saxifragaceae with *,5,5,10 as it's floral formula. Anyone know? Neither did I.
On a totally different note, I'm sitting here in the collegium at school, waiting for my next class, and am once again reminded of how different I am (in a good way, this time). They are playing a movie this afternoon: The Cooler. It's about Vegas, and has some good actors in it. However, no more than 7 minutes into the movie, Alec Baldwin (whom I really enjoy) starts swaring up a storm. That is followed shortly by a scene where a gal seduces the main character and "goes to bed" with him. At that point, I decided I had work to do on the computer, where a wall nicely blocks my view of the TV. It's funny how the other people in the collegium noticed that I was bothered by the content. Like I said, its times like these when I remember that I'm different-and in a good way.
Oh, one final thought: for those of you who have worked retail before and haven't checked out the post on the
Iffageek blog, I highly recomded you do. The post is titled "things i wish i could say..." and dated 5.13.2004. Give it a look-see.
One final note: someone just walked into the colleguim and said "is this table occupied, or can I sit and watch the sex?" Just thought I'd reiterate my earlier point.