Thursday, May 27, 2004

Rain is Good

Though many people are grubling about the rain, it's a good thing for two very important reasons. First, we've been short on rainfall so far this year and need the water supply to get us thru the summer months. Second, rainy weather is much more conducive to studying for a soon-to-graduate senior (that's me) than is warm, sunny weather. : )

With that said, I really can't wait to graduate. Just to be done, and to be thru with this quarter and its final 20-30 page lab write up, as well as a plant collection all keyed out for 32 plants (mind you, this is the collection I took many pictures for over my field trip, but then lost at least half of them due to a stupid digital camera malfunciton). Finals are another complication. Add to that the arrival of family next wednesday and my sister's high school graduation, and you've got the busy-ness that is my life.

Ooops! Gotta run to class!!


Friday, May 21, 2004

One more thing

Oh, and how could I forget, I have 10 regular class days left! : )


Does everyone know what time it is?

Crunch time!! That's right, the crazyness of midterms has passed, giving way to the insanity of the end of the quarter. I now must beging thinking about the second 20-30 page lab write up due on finals day, as well as the 32 plant collection to put together for my plant taxonomy class.

This week was bookended w/ tests, neither of which went as well as I'd've liked. Monday was an Ecology test, for which I didn't have nearly enough time to complete, even though I feel I knew the material (I had just started the 1st of 2 essay questions with about 5 minutes left in class). Then today, Friday, I had a test in Plant Taxonomy. I knew this one was going to be hard, and it was. Trying to remember if it was the Asteraceae or the Saxifragaceae with *,5,5,10 as it's floral formula. Anyone know? Neither did I.

On a totally different note, I'm sitting here in the collegium at school, waiting for my next class, and am once again reminded of how different I am (in a good way, this time). They are playing a movie this afternoon: The Cooler. It's about Vegas, and has some good actors in it. However, no more than 7 minutes into the movie, Alec Baldwin (whom I really enjoy) starts swaring up a storm. That is followed shortly by a scene where a gal seduces the main character and "goes to bed" with him. At that point, I decided I had work to do on the computer, where a wall nicely blocks my view of the TV. It's funny how the other people in the collegium noticed that I was bothered by the content. Like I said, its times like these when I remember that I'm different-and in a good way.

Oh, one final thought: for those of you who have worked retail before and haven't checked out the post on the Iffageek blog, I highly recomded you do. The post is titled "things i wish i could say..." and dated 5.13.2004. Give it a look-see.

One final note: someone just walked into the colleguim and said "is this table occupied, or can I sit and watch the sex?" Just thought I'd reiterate my earlier point.


Thursday, May 13, 2004

One Month

That's right, just one month from today I'll be graduating from college! Werid, huh? Ok, that's all for now.


Wednesday, May 12, 2004

...but I don't wanna!

I've reached that point in the quarter where I can't make myself do anything (ok, so I can never make myself do anything, but especially now). So instead, I'm updating my blog. : )

You may notice that I was able to make the profile (right) look decent and only include my information. You wouldn't believe how tricky it was for me to figure out how. When you don't know the first thing about programing (in HTML, I think??), it's a bit difficult. I basically figured it out using trial and error, as well as looking at the code patterns used elsewhere in the blog template.

Umm, I mailed my letter to UW saying I plan to attend there for grad school today. I guess there's more infor that'll be comming this summer, as well as a sooner start to school than the rest of the university, but that's ok. I'm all registered for the 3 credit class I have to take at UW this summer, but that should be done by July 2nd or so, so that's not so bad.

Alright, I guess I should go and actually do something usefull now.


Sunday, May 09, 2004

New look, new school

What do you think about the new look? Blogger just updated and has a bunch of new templates, and I liked this one, so I'll try it for a while. Unfortunatly, I haven't figured out the newer way to add things (like comments) yet, so I'm still working on that. Just be patient.

Also, for those of you who would like to know, After I got home this evening from my 2nd weekend field trip, there was an envelope on my bed from UW, and inside was an accecptance letter to the MIT program! If I wasn't so tired, I'd be really excited. : ) No, seriously, it's great, and I'm really thankful...God's been amazing w/ the whole thing. If you'd like the details, ask me sometime.

Ok, time for me to get more sane, and maybe even some sleep.


Saturday, May 08, 2004

Weekend of Counting Trees

. . .as I sit here waiting for my load of laundry to dry so I can finish packing, I figure now would be a good time to update my blog, albeit briefly.

Bright and early at 7:45am tomorrow (technically, later today) I'll be at SU, ready to depart on the second of two weekend fieldtrips. This one's to Pack Forest down by Mt. Ranier, and it's w/ my ecology class. Basically, we're counting numbers and types of trees for two days strait. Fun, huh?

I'm sure it'll be good for me, and maybe I'll even learn something, but right now I'm just too tired, and all I really want is a real weekend. Oh well.

BTW: The M's smoked the Yankies tonight! : )


Wednesday, May 05, 2004


I had a nice post all typed up about a 16 inning M's game and a 14th inning stretch, but it's gone, and I'm too tired to re-type it, so just pretend that you read a good post, k?


Sunday, May 02, 2004

I Like Bush

This is my blog, and I can say what I want, and I like George W. Bush. I think he's a good president, not perfect, but better than Clinton by far, and I will whole-heartedly vote for him in November. I'm sick and tired of all the Bush-bashing, so I decided I can say what I want on my blog, so I am.

If you don't like Bush, that's fine, we live in a Democracy and you're entitled to your opinion just as much as mine. I only ask that this not become a debate, and no Bush-bashing here. You may respectfully disagree, but that's it. Use your own blog to rant an opposing opinon. Thanks.