Tuesday, October 26, 2004

So, how's high school?

Definatly could be better. First off, let me back track and say I had a great and awful weekend. Great because I went to see Much Ado About Nothing at Taproot Theatre with Megan and Jeff. I had a great time both at the show and hanging w/ my firends. Unfortunatly, the awful began about halfway thru the show. All of a sudden my throat began to hurt really bad and I was getting really hot. But it was hot up in the balcony, as many people agreed to, so I hoped it was just that. Sparing you the icky details, I was sick, with a fever and sore throat that also crept up into my ears.

This being the case, I spent a good portion of Sunday trying to find a doctor's office that was open and trying to get all the insurance info from my mom so I could get some drugs or something. I thought I had strep, but the test was negative. I got some antibiotics anyway.

All that sets the stage for Monday, which was supposed to be my first day of observation at Mountlake Terrace High School. Needless to say, I wasn't well enough to go in on Monday, so I stayed at home and watched nothing on TV. Occasionally I stood up, but was quickly reminded why I was lying on the couch. Even so, I was feeling better Monday than I was on Sunday, so I decided I needed to just tough it thru and go to school on Tuesday and just hope (and pray) that I had enough energy and felt good enough to pull it off.

Well, God was good. He not only gave me the strength to get thru the day, He miraculously gave me the ability to be awake at 5am (those of you who know me well know how big of a miricle this is). I found the school no problem and Piper, one of my fellow teachers-in-traning (they like to call us "preservice" teachers), was gracious enough to show me around the school and help me find my coorperating teacher (CT).

So my CT...he's a nice guy, but I don't think he really wants to be a CT. He told me flat out that he's not looking for a student teacher (which doesn't bother me any, I'm not trying to make anyone have one). But that, and a few other comments like the one that came at the end of the day: "ok, from now on I'm just going to ignore you and pretend you're just one of the students. Do whatever you like," make me think he's not super happy to have me observe him. Like I said, he's a nice guy, but I feel like I'm more of a liability that anything else to him.

There you go. I'm not really looking forward to the rest of the two weeks I have at MTHS, mostly because I don't feel super wanted. I'll do my assignment, and then see if I can spend most of my time in some other teacher's classroom; one that is a bit more receptive to my being there. Ok, enough of my grumblings. I'm sure it'll be fine.

There's my update for you all (all 2 of you). Now you have a vague idea what's happening in my life.



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