Wednesday, September 29, 2004

First Day

I have been told that there are people who read this blog and who would like to know how my graduate school experience is going, so here's the brief update:

Class started at 8:30 this morning. In the first 15 minutes of class, my proffessor proudly described herself as an open-minded liberal. Yes, this was my introduction to my multi-cultural education class. I know what some of you are thinking: didn't you take an MCE class this summer? Yes, in fact it was a prereq for the MIT program. But since I enjoyed that class so much, I get to take another one now. Joy of joys.

This will be another class where I'm afraid to say anything, since "we're tollerant of everyone" except those who think things like homosexuality is wrong (they even have a name for us: heterosexist). Oh well, I guess I'm used to it by now. I only hope (and feel free to pray) that I keep my mouth shut when I should, but that I also open it when I need to; I don't want to dirty God's name, but need to be firm as well.

Let's see...I had two hours to kill between classes today, but Karman Tandon called, so we hung out, got lunch and stuff so I wasn't wandering alone that whole time. Then came my science teaching course. We started a computer-lab (we're in the lab on Wednesdays), which was different, but worked, I guess. The class is only those w/ the science endorsement, so there's only 14 of us. The down-side was that we spent the class on the Macs doing a 3-slide powerpoint presentation to introduce ourselves. The proff, who's really nice, was 'teaching' us how to use powerpoint, which was quite boring to me. Oh well, it worked, and the introductions were interesting, at least.

Ok, that was more detail than I originally intended to write, but now you've got it if you want it, so enjoy!



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