Friday, October 08, 2004


That's the word that describes grad school right now. I've only been in class for a week and a day, and I'm already insanely behind in the reading for classes. I know, those of you who've done undergrad are saying "yeah, but you don't really have to do the readings." While this is partially true in undergrad, it is much less true in grad school, at least in my program. There is hardly any lecture in my classes at all; it's almost all discussion of the readings, which makes my having done the readings a bit more pertinant.

An MCE update: well, my prayer for my Multicultural Education class was answered this Wednesday. I've been asking God to make it clear how much to say and how much to keep to myself about my christianity and what I believe on issues. Well, we spent the first hour plus of class on Wed. explaining the lense thru which we view the world. We went around the class and each person had to speak for 2 un-interrupted minutes. I was the second student to speak, and that was when I shared that I'm a christian and how that profoundly affects how I view the world. We'll see how it's taken and what developes in the next comming weeks. Other than that, I'm really not liking the class at all. I don't feel like taking the time to describe how evil I am, but at some point I'll give you what I've "learned" from the class so far.

Ok, that's it for me today.



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