Thursday, September 23, 2004

Fall Cleaning

Ok, so I didn't do much spring cleaning this year, but I'm off to a great start on my fall cleaning! Yesterday and today I worked on my room; not just the typical pick stuff off the floor cleaning, but I also went thru all the binders and papers that have been sitting under my bed.

To fully understand the significance of this feet, you need to know that I've kept all my papers and binders since high school, and even one binder from junior high. They have been sitting under my bed, accumulating over the years and collecting dust.

My problem is that I'm a pack rat. I can't throw stuff away. I always think "What if I need this someday?" And every once and a while I do end up using something I've saved, which just re-inforces my pack-rat tendencies.

But I've finally used all the space under my bed and have no where else to put new school binders, so I figured it was about time to get rid of stuff. I'm really quite proud at how I came out. I think I got rid of at least half of what I had. I know what you're thinking: why are you keeping any of it. Two reasons: first, there are classes that I really enjoyed and that I got info that I'd like to be able to reference again someday, and second, I'm keeping all my science material for reference when I become a teacher.

Ok, enough of my boring you with my cleaning story. Just wanted to let everyone know that I'm being good. : )



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