Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Why can't I be me

It seems like I'm not allowed to be myself anymore. In my multi-cultural ed class I'm not really allowed to have an opinon becaues I'm white, middle-class, Christian, heterosexual, and male. Anything I say is taken thru that lens and immediatly dicounted because I "can't understand" or "am biased" or whatever. So who says I can't have an opinion?!

And then there's my personality style. It seems like my way of looking at and processing the world (Beaver, meloncoly, West; take your pick of lable) is not as good or as valuable as other ways. Because I don't like change, I'm bad. I'm not stupid; I realize that change is inevitable and yes I have learned to adapt and flex. That's part of life. But that doen't mean that I have to love change or "embrase change." In my life change has almost always been a bad, negative thing, and leads to pain. Isn't there validity in that?

I'm big on personality types and the differences in the way people thing. It's just interesting to me. But it seems like even when I'm talking about differences, my way is always looked down upon. It's not understood and thereby discounted. I'm very analytical, I like the details, I like structure and words and deffinitions. I fully understand that not everyone is like me and that some people like open-ended topics and ideas, they don't like structure, etc. That's fine, I understand that they think differently and that not everyone thinks like me. But why can't my way be a valid way too? Just 'cause it's not the way you, or maybe a majority of people, think, that doesn't mean it's any worse of a way. I try to validate others' ways of thinking, why can't they recirpocate? Why is my way always wrong or the way that needs "fixing"?



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