Friday, September 10, 2004

Weekend? What weekend?

Ok, so I do actually get a weekend, but it really doesn't seem like it. I worked the M's game tonight, I work the game tomorrow, and I work the game on Sunday (I work Monday's game too, but that's not part of the weekend).

Tomorrow I do get to have lunch w/ Wes and Ben before they both head off to their new colleges; Wes to Stanford, Ben to SPU. Thankfully we agreed not to meet until noon which means: I GET TO SLEEP IN!! You don't know how great that is. This getting up at 6am thing just doesn't work well for me. It'll be good to have the chance to get some real sleep for a change.

But back to my non-weekend. Other than the sleeping in and lunch, I don't really have time to breathe. I'm working the M's game tomorrow night, as I've already said. I go to church in the morning, although I'm leaving early. I go from church to the M's game, which I again work. Then I'll probably head off to Sambica for the Praise and Baptism thingy for the youth groups. That goes until 9 or something. Then I get home, do laundry if I'm lucky, and try and get some sleep before I have to get up at 6 the next morning for another long day (full 8+ hour day at Skyview and then working the M's that night).

Oh well, free-time and weekends are overrated anyway, right?



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