Thursday, December 02, 2004

No, I've not given up

Just so you all know I've not given up on being a teacher, I thought I should explain the last post briefly. Last night I got very frustrated for a number of reasons. All of my frustrations about my teacher ed program that have been building up all quarter finally hit and I lost it. Not a good thing.

The biggest part is that I cannot express my feelings w/o feeling like I'm wrong. So I've just been stuffing them inside all quarter (which I already have a tendency towards, so not a good thing).

But fear not, things will be fine. I only have 1 regular week of the quarter left, so the end is in sight. I also e-mailed my professor and she responded well. We are going to talk about it next week. (for those of you who want to know more details about my frustrations, it's contained in the e-mail).



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