Friday, November 19, 2004

Yes, I am still alive

I know I've been doing a lousy job of updating my blog, but it's an indication of how frenzied and busy my life has been all quarter. Here are just a few quick updates on my life right now:

Today I had the opportunity to go to the NSTA (national science teachers association) convention in Seattle. It was cool to go to workshops and see different producs, methods, and teaching stragagies. One of the coolest was this moring, a fetal pig dissection (some of you might remember my love of this activity). We each got our own pig to dissect and got a dissection kit to keep, as well as saftey glasses and I also won (door prize) a great visual atlas of the fetal pig. All around good time.

Tomorrow morning at 7:30 I will be at UW to take the WEST-E General Science content knowledge test. It's a state required test for teachers, so I need to pass it. If I don't, I'll have to retake it in a few months. Much prayer is appreciated, since I haven't done much studying due to busyness and out-right lazyness (which is more responsible I don't know).

I also got a message today that I have an interview at Skyview Junior High for possible placement there for my student teaching. It'd be with the same teacher I observed there in September, so I think it'll be good. It's a great school and a great district (Northshore), so I think it'll be a good match. I still have to be accepted and do well at the interview on Monday, but I thin it'll probably go well.

Well, I have studying to do, as well as papers to write and a lesson to prepare, so that's all for now!



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