Thursday, November 25, 2004

Happy Turkey Day!

I'm sitting here at my dad's waiting for the food to be ready and thought it might be a good time to update my blog!

Last week was crazy, but God was faithful and pulled me thru. Let's see, in the last post you heard about the NSTA convention, which was cool. That following day (Saturday) I was at UW by about 7:30am for the WEST-E test. It took forever for the proctors just to get the test set up (ie everyone checked in, seated, and tests distributed). The test itself took me about an hour and 50 minutes (out of an alotted 2 hours). I have no idea how I did, but based on the practice test I took, I think I passed, which is really all I care about.

After that I ran over to Lake Sammamish to take a water sample for my inquiry project for my methods class (maybe I'll explain this somtime in the future). Once I got home I ran the tests which took a little over an hour to do. After that it was back to my SLP: the big huge final project/paper for my dillemas class. I worked on that for an hour or two, then ran out to Everett for a going away party for Jacob and Rebecca (they are moving to Hawaii). It was cool to see them and my other friend from high school, Kari.

Sunday consisted of church, lunch, and then a going away party for Steve Allen, the HS youth pastor at my church. That was a cool time to wish him and his wife Stephanie well as they go to follow God's call to a church in Bellingham. Once that was over I finally got back home and got to work on my paper again. Worked on that for several hours...until 1am-ish.

Monday I had my student-teaching interview at Skyview JH at 10am. That went well, mostly. There's one minor issue, but I don't think it'll really be a probelm. It was really more of a conversation than an interview, and at the end they told me they'd see me in January, so I assume I got the placement. : )

Then I went home and got my SLP done about 3 or 4pm. Then on to the microteaching....which presented a conceptual problem, as usual. I struggled w/ it for several hours, finally getting something that'd work about 10 or 11pm. Then to bed and off to school the next morning!

Now that I've bored you all w/ the nit-picky details of my life, I shall let you all go and get to your turkeys! And beware of the tryptophan!!



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