Monday, May 09, 2005

Quick Update

I don't have alot of time, but those of you who are wondering, student teaching is going fairly well so far. I'm teaching 2nd and 7th period. I started last Monday and wll continute until about next Tuesday. I'm doing a geology unit on relative and absolute rock dating, fossils, geologic time, and rock types. I've already designed my own lab (the Fossil Lab) and have been given the freedom to differ from my CT a bit as well.

Though it got off to a bit of a rough start, I'm getting the hang of it and think I'm doing alright, for the most part. I get discouraged sometimes when I get lots of criticims, though they are good. It's the perfectionist in me that wants to do it all right the first time, even though that's not realistic.

I have many things I could update you on, but I need to get some reading done so I know what I'm doing for the Rock Lab later this week! Maybe I'll have time to update this weekend!



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