Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Same song, third verse...

Back at UW and back to the "I'm going to stink as a teacher." Only this time, I don't believe them. I've had it with all their post-modern touchy feely experiential learning crap. Though I know deep down that they have some very valid points, their refusal to acknowledge that I also have a valid perspective has pushed me to simply say "screw you" and I'll do my own thing.

Amazing how in less than 2 hours of class I can be right back to hating the program. And yet I LOVED my time at Skyveiw. I'd much rather be there and bored w/ nothing to do than be in class at the U and be totally invalidated and frustrated to no end.

I just have to tell myself that I'm going to glean what I want and ignore what I don't. I'm the one who's going to be the teacher and who's paying the money, so it's my choice what to keep and what to reject.



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