Saturday, March 26, 2005

Don't make me go back!

Well, like it or not, my Spring Break is coming to a close. I have today and tomorrow and then I'm back to school. Granted, this time I'll have all new classes (no more Methods and thank goodness no more Assessment), but school is still school. To give you an idea, I got an e-mail from one of my profs for next quarter (who also happens to be the director of my entire program) about how excited he is to get to know us and all that junck (somehow each prof doesn't realize that we've all had classes together for 2 quarters now and that they are the only ones who don't know us, but oh well), and that how he plans on doing it involves us bringing 3 magazines with "images that intrigue" us, scissors, and a glue stick. Oh boy, doesn't that sound like 2nd grade again?! I'm sorry (no I'm not), but I'm in graduate school and don't really want to waste my time (and money, btw) cutting out magazines and gluing them to something. That just seems really stupid and a waste. Besides that, I don't HAVE 3 magazinge I don't mind being cut up, nor do I have a gluestick, and I see it as a total waste of MY money to go out and buy them for this stupidly pointless activity.

Yes, since you all know me, I'm going to do it, but I'm not going to like it. True, the activity will probably not be horrible or bad or anything, I just think it's stupid. It's stupid and its demeaning. If I wanted to do artes and crafts I wouldn't be in gradschool for teaching JH and HS! There's a reason I'm not going to be an elementary school teacher, and this is one of those reasons. There's nothing wrong w/ it, but its really not my thing.

Ok, I'm getting way to worked up about something stupid, so I'll stop now. It's been nice to be on break, though it didn't go as well as I would have liked. No trip to Mt. St. Helens like I wanted. Oh well, maybe this summer.



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