Saturday, May 21, 2005

Time flies

Well, as of about 4pm yesterday I finished my 3rd quarter student teaching experience. I now have two weeks at the U, summer, and then I start my full time student teaching at the end of August!

I really enjoyed myself these last 4 weeks. While there were times when I really didn't feel like I was doing that great a job or that things didn't work out the way I hoped, overall I really had a great time and enjoyed it. I know this may sound funny, but I found myself learning more science stuff, which was really cool! Of course I learned TONS about teaching, though many things just brought up dilemmas rather than solutions, but still it was invaluable.

One of the cool things that came out of my time at Skyview this past month was developing relationships with the students. I have now been at Skyview for a combinded total of 9 weeks this school year. That, combined with the longer time I spent there this time around, allowed me to get to know the students better, and them to get to know me as well. Obviously I don't know all 150 of the students super well, but I do feel like I began to establish some positive relationships with many students (mostly those in the two periods I taught).

As usual, I don't want to go back to the U, I'd much rather stay at Skyview, but knowing that I only have two weeks, I have Fridays with no class agian, and a week from Monday is a holiday (making for a 3 day week) makes it seem doable. I have papers to write, of course, but I won't let that worry me.

During the last month I have also gotten closer to finalizing my plans to go to California. I leave in 2 weeks from Monday, so that's exciting as well. I'll get to see Cari and her school BIOLA down there, as well as hopefully visiting some family in the area. And of course, the reason I'll be headding down that way in the first place, the first of the 4 weddings this summer that I'm in, Dan McCurley and Jane Taylor. Should be exciting!



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